Vint Hill, Virginia 20187

Terms of Use


Architectural Review Committee

This committtee is described starting on Page 33 of theVINT HILL MANOR AND VINT HILL CONSERVATORY Homeowner Association Documents", Article V - Architectural Review and Architectural Committee.

Special Projects Program

"Special Projects" exists to arrange/organize dependable and reasonably priced services when the interest level is high enough among Vint Hill Manor homeowners to enable us to get group pricing.  Any homeowner can suggest or request a particular service.  Whether a new service or a repeat, an announcement is placed in the newsletter, The Manor Monitor, to determine the level of interest.  If there is enough positive response, the Special Projects Coordinator will research the service and obtain price quotes.  If there is sufficient continuing interest at that point, arrangements are made with the selected provider.

Examples of ongoing, repetitive/seasonal services are:  driveway sealing, home power-washing, spring irrigation system turn-ons, and  fall irrigation system shut-offs and blow-outs.

Committees and Programs

In the past, there have been some one time services such as blown-in attic insulation and thermal window upgrades.  A session of the AARP Senior Driver's Safety Course was also sponsored.  In that this was a very complicated process, it is now suggested that members take the course when it is presented at Fauquier Hospital.  Fall lawn aeration is no longer done as a group because so many homeowners have lawn service contracts.  Examples of suggestions that did not garner enough interest to pursue were water-powered sump pump backups and car detailing done at a member’s home.

For the many instances when an individual homeowner needs a particular service, the September Club maintains and provides a list of trusted repair people, tradesmen, etc.

Communications Program

The Communications Coordinator composes, edits and distributes the Manor Monitor news letter.  He/she also contributes, proofs and coordinates information provided on the web site.